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Science, Theory, Simulation Models, Statisitcs

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    對多數科學家而言,生命表理論與資料分析都相當困難。生命表資料是真正的「大數據」,包含整個種群的存活率、發育率(請注意:此發育率並非一般熱積溫之1/duration1/day)、繁殖率、開始繁殖之年齡、性比率、齡期分化等等,而這些都隨年齡與齡期而改變。分析這些資料時,不可以將各項目分開單獨分析。例如:只考慮發育速率 (請注意:一般以1/day計算不同溫度下的發育速率,並沒有科學依據)時,則忽略了存活率與繁殖率,所得到的結果會以偏概全。分析繁殖率時,若忽略了繁殖率隨年齡的變化,也會造成以偏蓋全的問題。唯有 依據生命表理論,才能將所有因子綜合考慮,進行系統性的分析;因此,生命表大數據的分析十分困難。為了協助學者依據年齡齡期兩性生命表理論分析生命表資料,本人免費提供TWOSEX-MSChart軟件供學者使用。但是,使用者必須學習理論,才能正確闡釋生命表資料分析的結果、繪製正確的圖、製作正確的表、比較不同處理的差異。使用者同時必須遵守學術道德,誠實引用每個公式的原創論文。(若您不願依照合約引用相關論文,則無權使用)。

    生命表只是種群生態學研究的起點,唯有將生命表與捕食率(或寄生率、取食量)結合,才能進一步研究生物種群間的交互作用,也才能將生命表知識實際應用於生物防治、害蟲治理、規劃大量飼育天敵、預測施藥時期與次數、釋放天敵時機與次數等各方面。我建議使用者進一步學習CONSUME (可用於取食量、捕食率、寄生率的分析),再與TIMING (預測害蟲種群生長與取食量)結合,才能進行有系統地研究、害蟲治理與生物防治。

    為協助各校師生學習生命表理論、捕食理論、電腦模擬、資料分析、科學繪圖、論文寫作等,本人提供完整的課程 (五天至十天),有需要之學校與單位可與本人聯繫 (hsinchi@dragon.nchu.edu.tw)。(課程綱要)

Advanced Ecology Software

    Life tables are a prime tool used in population ecology and pest management. Because of its inherent complexity, life table theory and data analysis are often difficult for many scientists.  Life table data can be considered as actual "big data" and its analysis may be complex and quite difficult. Generation of a life table, however, is only the beginning, not the end.  Once generated, you will need to link your life table with accompanying predation, consumption, and/or parasitism rates to enable study of predator-prey (parasitoid-host) relationships and other practical application of life table theory in pest management, biological control, conservation studies, sustainable agriculture, etc.  It is necessary to use computer simulation to integrate these big data to simulate and predict the growth of a pest/predator population and to estimate the damage/control efficiency of a crop/pest.  I offer an intensive workshop entitled "Insect Life Tables, Predation Rate, Computer Simulation for Ecological Research, Biological Control and IPM" (5- to 10-day).   My lecture will enable an understand of the details of life table theory, provide practical instruction on how to analyze your life table and predation rate data, how to compare differences between treatments, how to simulate population growth, and how to predict the most advantageous time to implement control measures.  The differences between the traditional female age-specific life table and the age-stage, two-sex life table will be compared and discussed.  Many examples of common errors that can be found in literature (past and present) will be discussed during the lecture.  If you are interested in this lecture (workshop), please contact me (hsinchi@dragon.nchu.edu.tw).  (Click here to download the outline of lecture).


    本網頁所有軟體均免費但為維護學術道德與本人之智慧財產權,唯有您同意遵守軟體授權同意書之所有條款時,您才可以使用本人之軟體。若您需要使用本人程式,請先下載授權書並詳細閱讀,寫您的姓名、服務單位、職位e-mail,並請於軟體授權同意書上簽名 ;若您為研究生,也必須請指導教授簽名(因為您的指導教授將掛名為通訊作者,他也使用了本軟體)。若資料完整,本人將於收到您的e-mail與授權書後,寄給您密碼



        All software programs are available FREE of charge.  However, to protect my intellectual property and to observe academic ethics, all programs can only be used after agreeing to the conditions contained in the “Software License Agreement”.  If you agree with the Software License Agreement, you can try the programs using the password "test".  If you don't agree with the Software License Agreement, the Programs should not be used and should be deleted from your computer or diskette.  Please download the Software License Agreement and read it carefully before using it.


        If you need a password to access the full function, please email me (hsinchi@dragon.nchu.edu.tw). Please include your name, institution, position, and purpose of study. If you agree with the Software License Agreement, please clearly declare it in your e-mail. I will then send you the password for accessing the full function. If you do not agree with the License Agreement, please refrain from using the program(s). If you obtain a copy or the password from a third party, it is an illegal copy. Using an illegal copy or distributing my software to another party will subject the user to legal consequences.



下載授權書 使用所有程式


Download Software License Agreement】

Download Software License Agreement for all programs



Please read the following articles to familiarize yourself with the science of the age-stage, two-sex life table. If you use TWOSEX, CONSUME or TIMING in your research, I encourage you to cite these articles in the Introduction, Materials and Methods, and Discussion sections.

請詳讀下面這些論文以理解兩性生命表科學理論,若您使用TWOSEX, CONSUMETIMING您可在論文之前言、材料方法與討論中引用這些論文。


Chi, H., and H. Liu. 1985. Two new methods for the study of insect population ecology. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica 24: 225-240.


Chi, H. 1988. Life-table analysis incorporating both sexes and variable development rates among individuals. Environmental Entomology 17(1): 26-34.


Chi, H. 2023. TWOSEX-MSChart: a computer program for the age-stage, two-sex life table analysis. TWOSEX-MSChart.rar


Chi, H., M. S. You, R. Atlıhan, C. L. Smith, A. Kavousi, M. S. Özgökçe, A. Güncan, S. J. Tuan, J. W. Fu, Y. Y. Xu, F. Q. Zheng, B. H. Ye, D. Chu, Y. Yu, G. Gharekhani, P. Saska, T. Gotoh, M. I. Schneider, P. Bussaman, A. Gökçe, T. X. Liu. 2020. Age-stage, two-sex life table: An introduction to theory, data analysis, and application. Entomologia Generalis 40(2): 103-124.


Chi, H., A. Güncan, A. Kavousi, G. Gharakhani, R. Atlıhan, M. S. Özgökçe, J. Shirazi, M. Amir-Maafi, M. Maroufpoor, R. Taghizadeh. 2022. TWOSEX-MSChart: the key tool for life table research and education. Entomologia Generalis 42(6): 845-849.


Chi, H., A. Kavousi, G. Gharekhani, R. Atlihan, M. S. Özgökçe, A. Güncan, A. Gökçe, C. L. Smith, G. Benelli, R. N. C. Guedes, M. Amir-Maafi, J. Shirazi, R. Taghizadeh, M. Maroufpoor, Y. Y. Xu, F. Q. Zheng, B. H. Ye, Z. Z. Chen, M. S. You, J. W. Fu, J. Y. Li, M. Z. Shi, Z. Q. Hu, C. Y. Zheng, L. Luo, Z. L. Yuan, L. S. Zang, Y. M. Chen, S. J. Tuan, Y. Y. Lin, H. H. Wang, T. Gotoh, M. S. Ullah, C. Botto-Mahan, S. De Bona, P. Bussaman, R. Gabre, P. Saska, M. I. Schneider, F. Ullah, N. Desneux. 2023. Advances in theory, data analysis, and application of the age-stage, two-sex life table for demographic research, biological control, and pest management. Entomologia Generalis 43(4): 705-732.

If you need the pdf file of these papers, please contact one of the coauthors.


Click the following links to download the programs.  請選擇擬下載之軟體。

There are two versions for all programs.  The "exe" version can be executed without setup.  After doing so, you will have to run them "As administrator".  It is better to run these programs from your C: drive. Please read the file "00-How to use TWOSEX-New" for additional information.

每個程式有兩個版本。"exe" 版本可以直接執行。建議使用管理員身分執行。(最好從C drive執行). 詳細使用方法請閱讀 "00-How to use TWOSEX-New".


生命表是生態學與害蟲治理最重要的基礎。但是研究工作不可停滯於收集生命表,唯有進一步研究捕食率、寄生率、取食量(使用CONSUME軟件),才能將生命表理論與數據實際用於種群間關係(捕食率、寄生率、葉片取食量)之研究 。研究人更必須將生命表理論與數據用於預測種群增長(使用TIMING軟件)。唯有如此,生命表才能全面實際應用於生態學研究與害蟲治理。


重要說明:生命表檔案第三行必須寫"處理代號"(愈短愈好),例如:25C (代表25度的生命表), Cab30C (代表cabbage 30度的生命表), 25C-LC20 (代表25度下以LC20處理的生命表) 或用任何你自己最容易了解的處理名稱。簡明的處理代號有助於配對 自我重複取樣比較 (paired bootstrap test)結果 的判讀。


The life table is the basis of population ecology.  Once you have achieved an understanding of life tables and how they are used, you can move forward in studying predation, parasitism, and consumption.  You will then be able to study the interactions between populations. You should also include population projection in your studies (using the TIMING program). You can then predict population growth and interactions between predator and prey populations. You will then be able to successfully apply your life table, predation rate, and timing results in managing a pest population.


Special Note: Please write "treatment code" in the third line of the life table data file. This is important for the paired bootstrap test. For example, you can write "25C" to represent a life table collected at 25 degree Celsius, or "Cab30C" to represent a life table collected at 30C reared on cabbage, or "25C-L20" to represent a life table collected at 25C and treated with LC20.  Your annotation should be as short as possible.


一般(常用)版本 General versions


直接執行版 EXE version

1. TWOSEX-MSChart.rar (Version 2024.12.01)

    (Note well! Don't work with more than 10 treatments in a study. You will unable to run the paired bootstrap test.)

2. TIMING-MSChart.rar (Version 2024.12.01)

3. CONSUME-MSChart.rar (Version 2024.12.01)

4. Probit-MSChart.rar (Version 2024.07.06)

安裝版 Setup version

若無法使用 "exe" 版本,則必須使用下列版本安裝。解壓縮後至於桌面。最好安裝於C碟。若安裝後仍有問題,可以進入Support資料匣中直接以管理員身分執行程式檔。

If you cannot run the "exe" version, you have to setup the following versions. They are now in English interface.  It will be easier for you. It is better to setup the program in C: drive.  If you still face difficulty after setup, you can go into the Support folder and run the EXE file as administrator.

1. TWOSEX-MSChart-setup.rar (Version 2024.12.01)

    (Note well! Don't work with more than 10 treatments in a study. You will unable to run the paired bootstrap test.)

2. TIMING-MSChart-setup.rar (Version 2024.12.01)

3. CONSUME-MSChart-setup.rar  (Version 2024.12.01)

4. Probit-MSChart.rar (Version 2024.07.06)




The CONSUME and TIMING programs are closely linked to TWOSEX. If you do analyze the predation rate data or use it in simulating population growth and predation potential, please make sure that you are using the most up-to-date versions.

因為捕食率(寄生率、取食量)與電腦模擬均與生命表緊密連結,若擬使用CONSUME分析捕食率或用TIMING進行模擬 種群增長,

請務必同時使用這些軟件(TWOSEX, CONSUME, TIMING)的最新版本。



All programs are revised frequently.  If you wish to use the new functions of the new versions, please check this webpage for the most recent program available.


Application for personal help or instruction (個別輔導申請書)


     由於我的研究、教學、論文寫作十分忙碌,若您遭遇困難,請先行閱讀本人的論文與本網頁下方提供的使用說明(How-to files)。大多數問題都可以藉由閱讀本人的論文與相關說明檔案學習並自行解決「自行解決問題」雖然比較困難,也需要較多時間,但唯有如此才能培養科學家應有的獨立學習思考、解決問題的能力,您的收穫也會較多。

    若您有特殊問題,無法自行解決而需要本人個別輔導時,應先請您的指導教授來信,您也必須詳閱並填寫個別輔導申請書(您的指導教授必須簽名)。申請書中應附照片,以便老師認識尋求幫助的學生。您的指導教授或您必須說明您的 問題。若需長時間個別指導、或需研究新的理論、方法或技術,則必須以學術合作為前提,您的指導教授必須事先來信討論合作方式。


    科學問題往往不簡單,直接告訴學生答案不是正確的教育方法,反而會導致學生「知其然,而不知其所以然」 ,甚至讓學生養成倚賴的習慣。啟發式教育十分重要。通常我會先問您一些問題,了解您的程度與問題,再引導您做正確的科學思考。


     If you encounter difficulties, please discuss these with your major professor first. Because your professor will be the corresponding author (or coauthor) of your paper, he is expected to understand your research, theoretical background, and data analysis.  If you still cannot solve the problems and need personal assistance from me, please read and complete the application form. Although independent study can be difficult and requires a considerable amount of time, it is an important attribute for all scientists to master. In the “long run” it will make you capable of "critical thinking". Independent study and problem solving are critical to successful scientific research. If you prefer not investing the time required to read and study, it is unfair of you to ask me to use my time to help you.  Before you ask for help, please try your best!

     When you have tried as hard as you can (and “reached the end of your rope”), but still cannot find the solution, you can apply for personal assistance (your application must be co-signed by your major professor). A passport photo is also required to let me know who I am assisting. If you require long time personal assistance and scientific help, it should be based on cooperation. In which case, your professor must contact me.

    If you ask for help, please introduce yourself first (name, affiliation, major professor, etc.). If you receive my reply and help, please acknowledge on receipt of my e-mail - this is the basic rule in scientific communication.

[Click here to download the application form 下載個別輔導申請書]





【使用說明檔案】HOW-TO files】



In order to help users around the world, I have prepared numerous, downloadable, how-to files. I suggest downloading these and studying the appropriate files as much as possible!




Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi's notice:  If you are interested in learning about the age-stage, two-sex life table, predation rate analysis, and computer simulation, please read my papers and these how-to files below.


00- How to use TWOSEX-NEW
01- 03-How to run paired bootstrap test

01-How to detect errors in your data file

02- 3b-Basic definition of life table parameters
03- 05a-Data format of group-reared life table
04- 05-How to prepare data file for group-reared life table
05- 06-How to prepare data file of 12 or 8 hours
06- 06-How to prepare data file of 12 or 8 hours-new

07-04-How to match immature and adult life tables
07- 06-How to prepare data file of 12 or 8 hours-new-partial
08- 07-Special case: female and male have different preadult stages
09- 09-How to calculate age-specific hatch rate hx and SE of overall hatch rate-new
10- 10-Advantage and Why using two-sex life table
11- 11-How to work with 3D life table
12- 12-How to analyze two types of reproduction
13- 14b-How to analyze data with different life stages
14- 14c-How to analyze data of different life stages in female and male
15- 15-How to compare the female age-specific life and two-sex life table
16- 20-How to collect life table and parasitism rate of parasitoids
17- How to record daily fecundity
18- 01-How to use CONSUME
19- 04-How to link CONSUME with TWOSEX
20- 02a-How to run TIMING-2 with cxj (consumption rate/predation rate).
21- 02-How to run timing 中文
22- 02-How to run TIMING-1

23-How to prepare figures

24-How to use LeafArea

25-How to use Probit analysis


If you have any suggestion, please send it to hsinchi@dragon.nchu.edu.tw.


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Please address all correspondence to: hsinchi@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
Copyright ©2000-2018
Last modification: 2023/05/13