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Ecology Software by Hsin Chi on CD ROM

    Because downloading all ecology software is very time-consuming, I offer Ecology Software on CD ROM to users.  It is free.  However, since I have to pay  the postage privately, I set the following conditions:

1. You have tried at least one program to make sure that you can use it.  

2. You must be living in developing countries and the internet connection is poor.

3. You are teaching ecology and will use the CD ROM in your class.

4. You will report bugs of the Ecology Software to me.

5. You agree with the license agreement.


    If you are qualified to get a free CD ROM, please send your request via regular post to:

        Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi

        P.O. Box 17-25

        Taichung 40098


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If you are not qualified as above, you can still get a CD ROM....

1. If you attend a meeting in Taiwan, you can come to my office to say "Hi" and get a free CD ROM.

2. You can write your consulate in Taiwan and ask them to get a copy and send it to you.

3. You can contact the ROC's Consulates & Representative Offices Abroad in your country, "perhaps" they can contact me and get a copy for you (if they are willing to pay the postage for you). 
[Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan]
[ROC's Consulates & Representative Offices Abroad].

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Last modification: 91/08/22